Olivier Alain Blanchard – Keynote (English)

The BrandBuilder Marketing

Social Business: Success in the next decade

12:20 @ Grote zaal

A practical overview of how social technologies are already impacting the way businesses gain a competitive advantage, and what this means for brands in the coming decade.
We will also talk about 360° brand management, real-time customer experience design, business measurement and R.O.I., and business development in the age of the hyper-connected consumer.

Olivier also participates in the Social Talk ROI
ROI: it is probably one of the most debated questions when it boils down to the use of social media for business purposes. Some social media ‘experts’ have invented new definitions for ROI such as Return On Influence. Others simply claim there is no ROI in social media or state that the ROI of social is whether you will be in business within 10 years or not. Olivier Blanchard and moderator J-P De Clerck worked together on several occasions and both emphasize the need of tangible results in social media. Find out what social media ROI is, how to measure it and how to move from reach to ROI in this Social Talk. In the end, ROI will define whether your social media program is accepted or not.

Olivier is an international brand management and social business consultant with 18 years of B2B and B2C experience. He is the author of Social Media ROI: Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts in your Organization (Que/Pearson) and publishes the award-winning BrandBuilder blog. His Klout score doesn’t matter.