Viktor van der Wijk (Dutch)
KLMPresentation: 10:35 @ Studio
KLM has developed strongly on its social media activities in the past 2 years. The ashcloud that closed down the entire European airspace back in 2010, turned out to be the starting point for the development of fully dedicated customer servicing activities of KLM via Facebook and Twitter. Today, KLM services its customers on a 24/7 basis in 3 global languages. Furthermore, KLM initiated distinctive social media campaigns like KLM Surprise and KLM’s Tile & Inspire. Now KLM is taking its next steps into social media, where the goal is to bring its customer experience to a next level with the help of social media. Step by step, KLM will integrate its social media activities in all of the customer interaction points, to achieve true engagement and personalized interaction.
As Director E-Acquisition Viktor van der Wijk is responsible for all Digital Marketing related activities for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. His scope includes all on-line channel related activities via social media, email, (meta)search, display and affiliation as well as all ancillary commerce developments for KLM, the 92 years old airline that is part of the AIR FRANCE KLM Group since 2004. During his career Viktor has gained experience on different commercial areas of expertise within the AIR FRANCE KLM Group, varying from revenue management to strategic planning where he has spent several years abroad generating him an internationally developed background